Okay. I want to redo/add-new-things to the bird room. Now what?
I went to avian avenue and posted a thread about it, https://forums.avianavenue.com/index.php?threads/bird-room.298064/#post-3749102 and I am waiting for answers. You can click the link and go to my thread and give me a answer! Or you can comment on this post!
Anyway so the birds got new toys (again) and are loving them! (like always) I am planning on teaching Princeton wave and Skye spin, or maybe vise versa or maybe forgo those tricks and teach fetch and go through the hoop. Oh, I don't know. Comment and tell me which tricks YOU think I should train the birds!
The birds got a manin rope perch to sit on outside of their cage and Princeton especially LOVES to pick at it! Wait, uh Princeton wants a word with you.
hello i be princeton and i just wanna s-a-y that my hooman has a utube channel about MEEEEEEEEEE! cheeck it out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYh6FZrj9bvEMc3M5
back to hooman now
Okay anyway I will be updating y'all bout the bird room tomorrow evening! See you then!
(uh, princeton agein. would you comment pretty pwease? down beelow is me and me frend sky)
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Such cool toys!!
Awww Princeton, you and Skye are adorable!